Patterns and sweaters from Faroeknit have travelled around the world and via the world wide web.
Thank you Karen Templer ( @karentempler ) for writing about the Bohéme sweater pattern on your awesome blog:
Thank you Charlotte for fantastic pictures in the Bohéme sweater. @charlottelittlewolf
Thank you Rannvá for fantastic pictures of Brynhild Haraldsen in the Bohéme sweater. @rannvajoensen
Thank you Nonbiri Travel for linking to Faroeknit
Thank you Perrin PimPin for blogging about the Bohéme sweater: https://perrinpimpim.wordpress.com/2017/12/26/la-trentaine-boheme/
Thank you Courtney Kelley for blogging about the Bohéme Christmas Hat:
Thank you Dagny Asta for blogging about Bohéme sweater for kids:
Thank you Guðrún from Handverkskunst for blogging about Bohéme sweater for kids: